Sunday, March 27, 2016


I just finished doing my late night workout. I used to work out to gain weight, and lately I found my weight gain has stalled and I haven't really had much time to focus on my body. Just an occasional workout keeps me fit and stay ok for me.

I did
3 sets of push-up 14 reps
3 sets of bicep curl 12 reps (10kg)

Monday, March 14, 2016


This is the best I can go so far without undoing the move.

So I started looking for an apps that allows me to undo a move that jeopardize my next move. After playing for about a week occasionally when I am in the mood, I managed to get the highest possible score for 2048, i.e., 131,072 (6 digits).

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Attraction (Part 1)

I have developed a theory or reached an interpretation from several readings and observations that we are participating in the process of human evolution. No matter how much I have developed a sympathy, feelings, personality over the years, no matter where I look at, I perceive the traces of past evolutionary events. I recognize the ongoing modification as we live by. I can foresee that I will be absent in future evolutionary process. Mr. XXX as I go by my parents given name, Mr. XXX as an entire entity, as a unique personality accumulated over the years, as one of a kind identity developed over the years, will not be in the future. The least I can expect is I might as well be a tiny bit of element in future evolutionary process if I decide to procreate with another human being, i.e., providing my gene package into a gene pool.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Genuine openness or just a convoluted sense of sweet wordiness?

Lately I found myself struggling with my inner thoughts and my action in life.

People are crazy.

That means I’m also crazy.

If that is real, what am I doing here in this world?

Craziness breeds craziness. 

Here’s a short story I used to listen to when I was young. It’s called “Drink Bitter Rain”.

As usual, it started with “Once upon a time”.